New site live!
Using the new framework, work begins on <text-color-booking>CityBook<text-color-booking>, a mobile app to experience cities while…
Combined technology from <text-color-booking>Traveller<text-color-booking> and <text-color-booking>Guides<text-color-booking> into a multi-platform app framework
Began consultation on <text-color-booking>Guides<text-color-booking>, a mobile web prototype to explore new content ideas for travelers
Began work on <text-color-booking>Traveller<text-color-booking>, a mobile native prototype to explore new feature ideas for travelers
Joined <text-color-booking>Booking Experiences<text-color-booking> track to develop new travel products and ideas
Moved to Amsterdam
Advised startups in SHV’s portfolio and explored new product concepts
Design and build out of <text-color-figma>vector networks<text-color-figma> for Figma’s Pen Tool
First <text-color-figma>Figma concepts and prototypes<text-color-figma> created
<text-color-adobe>Sinewave<text-color-adobe> concepts complete
Second round of design discussions for Figma
First round of design discussions for Figma
<text-color-twitter>Twitter<text-color-twitter> rebrand launches
Designed and built <text-color-twitter>Birdseye<text-color-twitter> prototype
<text-color-twitter>#NewNewTwitter<text-color-twitter> ships
Newly redesigned and rebuilt <text-color-yahoo>Yahoo! Mail 2010<text-color-yahoo> ships
<text-color-involution>PowerPoint is not an Excuse<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-involution>Can TypeKit Bring Fonts to the Web?<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-involution>A Tale of Two Valleys<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-involution>Make Big Money Online!<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-involution>Upward Mobility<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-involution>Coming Interactions<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-involution>Click to Run<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-involution>Open Range<text-color-involution> published
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Creative Suite 3<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Lightroom 1.0<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Creative Suite<text-color-adobe> ships
Research and interviews with photographers conducted across Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York for <text-color-adobe>Adobe Lightroom<text-color-adobe>
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Photoshop 6.0<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Illustrator 9.0<text-color-adobe> ships
Party like it’s 1999!
<text-color-adobe>Adobe InDesign 1.0<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Photoshop 5.5<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Illustrator 8.0<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Photoshop 5.0<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Product Line<text-color-adobe> awarded Publish Magazine Impact Award
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Illustrator 7.0<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-adobe>Adobe Photoshop 4.0<text-color-adobe> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Infini-D 3.5<text-color-specular> ships
Moved to Silicon Valley
<text-color-specular>Specular Texturescape<text-color-specular> awarded MacUser Editor’s Choice for Best Graphics Utility
<text-color-specular>Specular Collage 2.0<text-color-specular> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Logomotion 1.5<text-color-specular> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Texturescape 1.0<text-color-specular> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Logomotion 1.0<text-color-specular> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Collage 1.0<text-color-specular> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Infini-D 2.5<text-color-specular> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Collage<text-color-specular> first sketches and product notes
<text-color-specular>Specular Infini-D 2.0<text-color-specular> ships
<text-color-specular>Specular Infini-D<text-color-specular> awarded Macworld Magazine’s Best 3D Product
<text-color-specular>Specular Infini-D 1.0<text-color-specular> ships
Specular gets funded, leave of absence from Amherst becomes permanent
Leave of absence for a semester taken from Amherst to help start Specular International
Launched <text-color-adobe>Adobe Photoshop v0.87<text-color-adobe> for the first time
Moved to Massachusetts
Launched Adobe Illustrator, Aldus FreeHand and Microsoft PowerPoint for the first time
Mick Napier’s Metraform presents <text-color-stagemanager>Splatter Theater II<text-color-stagemanager> in Chicago, IL
Productions include <text-color-intern>Are We There Yet?, Mesmer<text-color-intern>, and <text-color-intern>Super Sunday<text-color-intern>
Hill Graduation, commencement speech given by Harry Hamlin
Launched Aldus PageMaker for the first time
The Hill School
Pottstown, PA
Intern, Production Design
Chocolate Bayou Theater
President, Ellis Theater Guild
The Hill School
Intern, Production Design
Wlliamstown Theater Festival
President, Ellis Theater Guild
The Hill School
Intern, Stage Management
Wlliamstown Theater Festival
Stage Manager
Metraform Productions
Graphic Designer
American Steel Foundries
Amherst College
Amherst, MA

Director & Founding Member
Specular International
Senior Interface Designer
Adobe Systems

Director of Design

Director of Design

Director of Design
Project Lead, Lightroom
Adobe Systems
Chief Design Officer
Involution Studios
Notable Clients:
McAfee, Oracle, Microsoft, Nomee, Shutterfly, Raptr,Lithium, and PGi

Desktop Columnist
PRINT Magazine
Sr. Director of Product Design
Director of Design
Advisor to Figma’s co-founders. Contracted with Adobe Systems on Sinewave, a concept photo application for iOS.

Designer in Residence
Sutter Hill Ventures
Principal Product Designer
Seldon Digital B.V.